Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog reflection, October 5, 2014

My reflection blog. I think with this blog I did get a little better with writing fluently but I was kind of difficult for me to set down everyday to write a blog I missed a couple blogs because of my busy schedule but I tried my hardest to do it. I sort of enjoyed it when I got to sit down and actually put the time and effort into it. When i first sat down it took me about 25 minutes to do it now i can so it in 10 to 15 minutes. So if you have the time to do it, it really helps.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mid-terms, October 3, 2014

Mid-terms are coming up and I am not sure what is going to be on it and I am not sure what to study. I don't really have anything to study, and i haven't even commented on anyone elses blogs, i should be doing that tomorrow. I hope everyone has had an amazing Friday and an even better weekend!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My day, October 2, 2014

So today I really have nothing to talk about so I guess i'll talk about my day. Today started like any other day, but the people that I babysit for were late so I was running late to school and when I got there I had a flat tire which took  me 45 minutes to change because it was pouring and nobody stopped to help me. I was 30 minutes late to class, and the money I have saved up forever to get my tattoo that I was going to get Saturday, I now have to use it for a new tire. My fiance is leaving Sunday for basic. So I have been emotional all day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fluency Blog, October 1, 2014

I fixed my This I Believe Essay a lot and I feel very comfortable with it, We also have a blog fluency post due and I am not sure what to do with that. I guess I just write all I can. I am not sure what to write about, all I can think about if my fiance leaving for basic Sunday for nine weeks then he'll come back for two weeks for Christmas and then leave for twelve more weeks for AIT. Then when he graduates AIT we are getting married. I'm so happy for him but i'm sad because hes leaving for awhile, and its going to be hard. I am glad I am in college because i'll have something to keep me busy along with the wedding plans and saving up.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

This i believe stress, Septemberv30, 2014

Tomorrow our This I Believe essays are due, and I am not very good at writing essays just at writing what I believe. I'm really stressing about this class. If anyone has any friendly advice please feel free to say it!!:)

Monday, September 29, 2014

5 favorite words, September 29, 2014

I just looked at our assignment for this week.. Our 5 favorite words and then using other peoples 5 favorite words to make a story.. This should be a lot of fun!! I also seen we have a blog due worth 30 points, that is a little stressful. I'm already having a lot of trouble in this class, my grades aren't to pretty.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Classmates Blog, September 27, 2014

So I am very slow and I just figured out where to find everyone's blogs, so I will be commenting on them soon. I have been reading through them and I actually enjoyed reading them. I am actually really exited about this class because of my classmates.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Writing a Paper? Try These 7 Research Tips, September 26, 2014

I read 7 more tips to help write a paper and they are so useful.
1. Start from where you are.
2. Think E.  E-reserves that the professor has listed.  
3. Discover WorldCat. 
4. Learn the shortcuts. 
5. Use the resources that live and breathe.
6. Learn about ILL. 
7. Look for "gateway" sources. 
So so useful.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Research tips for college students. September 24, 2014

I read 8 More Research Tips For College Students, and that is very helpful if you aren't very good at research papers. That is definitely something I am going to reference to when I have to write a research paper. The eight tips are; 1. Embrace the zen of research, 2. Drive your sources (don't let them drive you), 3. Don't fixate too quickly. 4. Torture the data, 5. Record and conquer, 6. Act like a researcher, 7. Fear not the footnote, 8. Leave time for writing. Very helpful.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Composition 101 class. September 23, 2014

From reading everyone's This I believe essays I have noticed everyone is very straight forward with what they believe in and they did very well in putting their emotions with it. I felt what they felt and I was surprised. This should be a very fun class with all the different views but also the respect everyone has for other opinions.

Monday, September 22, 2014

This I Believe Essay-Peer Review, September 22, 2014

On the This I believe essay I did, my peers thought I did pretty well. I am straight forward and opinionated. So I feel like I am going to do well in this class.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly reading note. September 21, 2014

I actually remembered to do my blog but this week there isn't a link for it. So this week it isn't my fault.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Writers Workshop, September 19, 2014

There is a readers workshop that we had to look through and it is kind of informative but it isn't something I would reference back to it for help with my essays, but it is very informative.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Composition 101, September 18, 2014

I have to say, I don't hate my english class as much as I did when we first started. It has gotten a little less stressful than what it was and I am getting the assignments a little more. Now I just have to remember to do my weekly reading reading notes.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How to say nothing in 500 words, September 17, 2014

Today I read an article in eAnthology and it showed me how to get to 500 words easier. Which is awesome for me because I have a difficult time writing a lot about something I am not very interested in. So that article is very useful.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pay it Forward. September 16, 2014

Since I really don't know what to write about today I will talk about the assignment I just got in psychology. I have to pay it forward to three people. I think this is a really good idea, but I have no idea what I am going to do. I want to do something to impact somebodies life for the good, but I have no idea who I am going to do it for and what am going to do.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Purdue OWL: Higher, Lower Order Concerns. September 15, 2014

Today I read the article Purdue OWL: Higher, Lower Order Concerns and I'm glad I did because I haven't really been looking for all of that. Honestly by the time I get it done i'm to tired to do anymore. IF you need help with writing a paper I would recommend you read this.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Know Your Audience Analysis Blog Post, September 14, 2014

From reading the Know Your Audience Analysis, I have seen that most everybody has a plan for after college and know what they’re going to do and how they are gong to do it. They all seem very nice and straight forward and very opinionated but not mean about it. Everyone talks to everyone and lets them know their opinions without being rude and prejudice. Everyone seems to be very helpful and always have something nice to say, and someone always has the answers to someone’s questions. A lot of people like a variety of things and it is very interesting to learn and get to know everyone and there interests. Everyone has a lot of different views on things and it is fun and interesting to read if you keep an open mind, and everyone seems to have an open mind. Everyone always asks the questions I need too. So if I have a question all I have to do is look on the burning questions and more than likely the question I had is already there with the answer. I was feeling very stressed about the whole online class thing and all my classmates are so helpful and nice I am surprisingly feeling better about it and not to overwhelmed. If not all I do is post a question it isn't long before someone answers me. I am so thankful for all the nice and helpful classmates that have already helped me just get through the first two or three weeks of school! I think this semester will be very interesting to see what everyone has to say and what they come up with. This should be a very challenging and interesting class, but we can all get through it because we are all here to help each other!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014 A Grown-Up Barbie Doll

I am writing about A Grown-Up Barbie Doll. This article is very interesting, I have never heard or read about someone talking about there barbies in that way. Its very unique to make your barbies never get married or have kids but travel around the world. All of my friends made their barbies have families when we were growing up. This is the first I am hearing of a strong independent barbie, and to be a fashion designer that says clothes are just clothes is interesting too. In my mind I see designers loving clothes more than life its self.

Friday, September 12, 2014

I Believe Essay September 12, 2014

This I Believe
            I believe that when President Obama stated that he “wasn’t putting boots on the ground in Syria” that he was making a bad choice. I believe that racism has no part in the recent shootings in the St. Louis suburbs and any other shooting that involves the police. I believe that what happens to a famous sports player that he/she should not be punished over the things that don’t even happen during the sports season.  I believe that the children in today’s society don’t have respect for their elders or parents. I believe that immigrants shouldn’t be able to get across the border. I believe that music can help someone through their and through rough times. I believe that every girl can do most anything a guy can do.
            I believe President Obama is making the wrong decision by not putting troops on the ground because just hitting them with air strikes will not slow them down. With troops in the area it would help the people who aren’t doing wrong to others. Troops would also do better than air strikes because they would be able to capture the leaders who are doing wrong. President Obama shouldn’t be the only one choosing what should happen. I think that we should be voting on a lot of the decisions that Obama is making. If we the American’s had a choice I think we would think about nuking Syria and not just an air strike. I think a nuke would do better than an air strike because then we wouldn’t have worry about the terrorists. I still think having soldiers on the ground is the best idea because we could not only control the terrorist groups but we could train the countries civilians.
            I believe that the shooting in the St. Louis area has no part of racism because if a kid was committing a crime they should be punished. The person should not walk up to the officer and act like they have a weapon of any sort. I don’t think it was racism because the officer was doing his job to protect the other people. All this wouldn’t be happing if people weren’t trying to rob businesses and then going to an officer like you’re going to hurt them. The reason the officer shot the man was because he protecting himself. I would also protect myself if someone was coming up to me and acting like they had a weapon and was trying to harm me. I wouldn’t consider this a hate crime or a racism crime because an officer was doing what he had to do to protect himself.
            I believe that when a sports player does something wrong during the offseason that he/she shouldn’t get in trouble from the owners of the team or league they are. For example the Ray Rice situation yes what he did may be wrong, but it is wrong for them bring it back up at the beginning of a sports season and then kick him out of the NFL. If it takes the league to go over a clip multiple times then the player shouldn’t be getting a punishment over the problem. Ray Rice isn’t the only player doing wrong, there are many other players that are making decisions they shouldn’t be making and they aren’t getting kicked out of the sport. If one player commits a crime or does drugs they should all get the same punishment. I believe this because these people we call famous are role models to younger people and if they are doing this the younger ones will think its okay.
            I believe that the respect for parents and elders has gotten worse than it has ever been. I believe this because parents aren’t teaching their children to respect others, the children think it is okay to disrespect the elders because they don’t have a good role model to learn off of. So instead of learning respect for you’re elders they are use to seeing people disrespect them. They think it is okay to disrespect because they have no respectful role models. The only kids that really have the respect now days would be military children and church families.    
             I believe that the immigrants that are getting into the United Sates should be getting deported as soon as they are spotted here illegally. They shouldn’t have the right to be here because they are breaking the law and they could simply get their green card and live here legally instead of running from the law there whole lives. A good way to fix this problem is to put up fence up that they can’t knock down or get passed and we could also get better security. The immigrants are trying to start a life here so they can live off of our government because they’re government isn’t as good as ours.

            I believe any woman can do most anything a man can do, women can hold a job down just as well as any man, a woman can work just as hard too, they may have less muscle but they have the drive to get just as much done. I know many single woman with children and they have the capability to take care of kids, hold down a job to support, and make sure the house is cleaned up for the health of the children.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Second blog. Whats on my mind. September 11, 2014

Today I am up very late posting this. Kind of last minute. All the WiFi where I live went out and I had class today so now it is 11 pm and I am just writing because I am way to tired to actually think of something interesting. Will I get in trouble for blogging about none school related things.. I hope not. The cable company said thousands of their customers internet went out so it wasn't only here, but it wouldn't be uncommon for our WiFi where we live to go out. It goes out all the time because I live so far from town, and if I want someone to come out and fix it I'd have to pay a fee for them driving all the way out here. It's almost not worth it, but if I want to get my homework done I guess i'd have to pay it. I don't want an F. I want to get my degree and make something of my life. Well I guess I'm done with my blog for tonight, maybe tomorrow I'll write something worth reading.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First Blog September 10, 2014

Today I am writing just to write. I'm not sure exactly where it is going to lead. My name is Emily Shrum, I am eighteen years old and I babysit two little girls. It is very difficult to watch a two year old and a two month old and clean the house and try to balance homework in with is all. Somehow I sort of manage. It isn't to bad though it could be harder. I could have two kids of my own to take of and my own house to clean and manage. So it isn't to bad. How long does this have to be? I don't even remember if it said a limit. Soooo I guess I will end it here. My blogs will be better in the future. I've just gotta get used to it. Okay now I'm done.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Jung Typology test is close to how I see myself and how other people describe me. I am a very outgoing and I love being around people. I do not know about me being intuition because a lot of times I have to research or ask people about a lot of stuff. I feel I am judging because I am decisive, controlled, I am good at finishing, organized, structured, scheduled, quick at tasks, responsible, I like closure and I make plans before everything. I do use my feelings over thinking when something happens. I have learned that if I sit down and actually try to writing I’m not as bad as I thought I was. But I have to sit and have no distractions. I do not think this test will help me writing in college any because it told me what I already know about myself.